Kids Ride On Three Wheel Pink Tricycle
Kids need daily exercise and the kids tricycle will make sure that your child gets to stretch their legs on a daily basis. Our baby tricycle was designed to encourage children up to three years old to bike around all on their own.
Equipped with sturdy pedals, your child will be able to drive the girl tricycle through different types of terrain with ease. Not only that, but the 3-wheel construction of the kids trike enables your child to ride without the fear of tipping over.
Riding around on the kids 3 wheel bike with its easy-grip handles gives your child more control over the direction they go. This way, they'll be able to pedal around and explore the outdoors with full comfort.
Best out of all, the children tricycle has a bright pink design that makes it easy to spot even from afar. Make your child's day by taking them out to the park while they ride on the kids three wheel bike.
COMPACT - Measuring at 22.5 inches long, the kids tricycle is extremely compact and perfect for kids up to three years old. This feature makes it easy to carry and pack away when it's not in use.
DURABLE - Made with high-quality plastic, the baby tricycle is strong enough to withstand rough play. Not only that, but its durable build will enable your child to continue using it for years to come.
COMFY - Equipped with a wide seat, the girl tricycle is spacious and comfy for your child to sit on. Its curved surface follows your child's body, keeping them stable while they ride around.
Material: TRE + HDPE + PP
Dimensions: 22.5"x13.5"X16.5" (LxWxH)
Weight: 4.4 lbs
Maximum Load Capacity: 44 lbs
Recommend Age: 18-36 months
1x Kids trike
Domestic Shipping (USA): Your kids 3 wheel bike will be packaged and shipped within 3 days of ordering. Keep in mind our items are custom made and shipped from warehouses across the globe which means it may take them 7 to 29 business days to arrive after shipment (most of the time closer to 18).
International Shipping: The children tricycle will be packaged and shipped within 5 days of order. We do ship worldwide! Please be patient and note that delivery times will vary depending on your location. Majority of the countries will have the kids three wheel bike delivered within 2 to 5 weeks!
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