The Snow Ice Spikes For Shoes were designed to provide extreme stability and safety for all outdoor winter activities to prevent those dangerous slips and falls. In fact, the ice cleats are perfect for the toughest weather conditions because they make walking around extremely secure.
The spiky teeth crampons fitted on the bottom of the shoe ice grippers utilize a tension fit system which fits onto the shoe like a suction cup. In fact, these snow cleats fit virtually any shoes, boots or athletic shoes (except high heels).
Plus, due to the lightweight nature of the ice cleats for shoes, it's super easy to lift both feet under heavy snow.
Best part of all, it's extremely easy to put the ice grips for boots on and take them off. Simply position the ice grippers over the toe of your shoes/boots and then holding the rear heel straps, stretch the length of your shoe and pull it up in the back.
Once attached, it's extremely easy to adjust the positioning of the ice spikes for boots/shoes.
COMFORTABLE - Our ice cleats were designed to comfortably fit on shoes or boots of all sizes. These shoe ice rippers don't cause any type of discomfort when worn and often increase the walking speed during rough weather conditions.
HIGH QUALITY - Simply put, the snow cleats were built to last. The small round spikes are fully rustproof ad provide an excellent grip on slick surfaces or even in weather conditions under -40°C.
MULTI-FUNCTIONAL - The boot ice cleats can be used not only for outdoor ice and snow but also for mud and wet grass or other poor conditions, hiking, climbing, fishing, shoveling snow and other outdoor activities.
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